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Allow to change ticking sound intervals and strength.

Right now the "ticking" sound is crazy (in my opinion), when I first enabled that feature I thought it would tick every minute, or 10 seconds, or even every second and that it would be a "light" sound.

As it is right now it reflects the kitchen timers I guess, that are ticking all the way through the task; making it annoying if the task you're accomplishing requires concentration. Yet in that case it may be interesting to have a minute reminder of how's time going, like every 5 minutes; or a beep like sound every minute. In any case, interval of ticking should be set by the user.

On top of that you could even build several ticks, like one each minute plus another stating time left each ten.

aphanic, 08.10.2013, 10:55
Idea status: under consideration


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